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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - pack


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  1. тюк; связка, узел; вьюк 2. пакет; упаковка; кипа a pack of books —- пачка книг 3. пачка a pack of cigarettes —- пачка сигарет 4. короб 5. ком. кипа (ка мера) 6. воен. снаряжение, выкладка; ранец 7. свора; стая a pack of hounds —- свора гончих a pack of wolves —- стая волков 8. группа; кучка a pack of schoolboys —- группа школьников moneyed pack —- кучка богачей a pack of submarines —- воен. разг. подразделение подводных лодок 9. банда a pack of thieves —- шайка воров 10. множество, масса a pack of lies —- сплошная ложь 11. паковый лед, пак arctic pack —- арктический лед close pack —- сплошной паковый лед 12. количество заготовленных за сезон фруктов, овощей; сезонная выработка рыбных и мясных консервов 13. комплект клепки 14. карт. колода 15. мед. обертывание в мокрые простыни 16. мед. простыня для обертывания 17. мед. тампон 18. косметическая маска из вяжущих веществ 19. стр. бутовая кладка; набивка 20. горн. закладка; породная стенка; костер, заполненный породой 21. цементирующее средство, карбюризатор 22. тех. набивка (сальника), уплотнение 23. тех. узел, блок 24. спорт. нападающие (в регби) Id: to keep ahead of the pack in smth. —- опережать других в чем-либо 25. упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи to pack furniture —- упаковывать мебель to pack clothes into a trunk —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пакет, пачка; связка, кипа, вьюк; a pack of cigarettes; The club will send a free information pack.  2) mil. снаряжение, выкладка, ранец; I hid my money in my pack.  3) группа; банда; Sol was the leader of the pack. - moneyed pack - pack of crooks  4) множество, масса; - pack of lies  5) свора (гончих); стая (волков и т.п.); - pack of submarines  6) колода (карт); a pack of cards  7) = pack-ice  8) comm. кипа (мера веса)  9) количество заготовленных в течение сезона консервов (рыбных, фруктовых)  10) mining закладка  11) med. тампон  12) constr. бутовая кладка  13) attr. упаковочный; - pack paper  14) attr. вьючный  2. v.  1) упаковывать(ся), запаковывать(ся), укладывать вещи; тюковать (часто pack up); I packed and said goodbye to Charlie. - pack away  2) (легко) укладываться, (хорошо) поддаваться упаковке  3) консервировать; Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.  4) заполнять, набивать, переполнять (тж. pack out); Thousands of people packed into the mosque. - Тысячи людей заполнили мечеть. The hall was packed out for the concert.  5) уплотнять(ся), скучивать(ся) - pack down  6) сворить (гончих)  7) собираться стаями (о волках)  8) навьючивать (лошадь)  9) заполнять своими сторонниками (собрание, съезд и т.п.); подбирать состав присяжных (для вынесения противозаконного решения); Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters.  10) med....
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) пакет 2) пачка, кипа 3) тюк 4) выработка 5) продукция (о консервах) 6) множество, масса 2. гл. 1) паковать 2) производить консервы 3) заполнять 4) скучиваться, создавать численный перевес своих сторонников (в президиуме, на собрании) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) блок 2) бунт 3) бутить 4) вьюк 5) завьючивать 6) завьючить 7) законопачивать 8) колода карт 9) объединение 10) пакет 11) пакетный 12) пачка 13) машиностр. ранцевый 14) связка 15) складывать 16) уездить 17) уезживать 18) узел 19) укладываться 20) упаковать 21) упаковывать 22) уплотнять 23) уплотняться 24) фасовать pack of playing cards — колода карт - disk pack - glass pack - ice pack - open pack - pack by volume - pack by weight - pack carburizing - pack gland - pack ice - pack in barrels - pack joint - pack of cards - pack parachute - pack rolling - pack unit - parachute pack - power pack - survival pack - unit pack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) блок (питания) 2) тлв. пакет (данных), пачка (импульсов) 3) запас – diode pack – lithium-ion battery pack – power pack – survival cable pack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  тюк, упаковка, пакет; связка упаковывать; уплотнять бутовая кладка; набивка узел; блок пак; паковый лёд dry pack electric-hydraulic pack gravel pack ice pack ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) упаковка (тара с упакованным в ней продуктом) упаковывать 2) пачка; пакет 3) связка; тюк; кипа 4) упаковочный материал 5) блок; узел; модуль; сборка 6) компоновать; собирать 7) набивочный материал набивать 8) горн. закладка закладывать 9) горн. бутовая [породная] полоса 10) забутовка забучивать 11) многолетний дрейфующий лёд 12) эл. портативный источник питания 13) парашютный ранец, парашютная сумка 14) кассета 15) корпус помещать в корпус; монтировать в корпусе 16) вчт. сжатие, уплотнение (данных); упаковка (данных) сжимать, уплотнять (данные); упаковывать (данные) 17) колода (перфокарт) 18) комплект бочарной клёпки 19) количество заготовленных за сезон овощей и фруктов; сезонная выработка мясных и рыбных консервов 20) консервировать 21) колонна автомашин - anode pack - battery pack - blade pack - brake disk pack - bubble pack - buttress pack - car-basher pack - card pack - carrier pack - cathode pack - clutch plate pack - collation pack - corrugated pack - deep-frozen pack - diode pack - dirt pack - disk pack - dry pack - dynamometer pack - extruder screen pack - film pack - gateside pack - gravel pack - handy pack - hydraulic power pack - intermediate packs - mill pack - oil refiner pack - photographic film pack - pillow type pack - power pack - pressure pack - retail pack - roadside pack - rotor pack - seasonal pack - self-developing film pack - self-opening film pack - self-processing film pack - sheet pack - spin pack - stator pack - strip pack - tape pack -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a collection of things wrapped up or tied together for carrying. b = BACKPACK. 2 a set of items packaged for use or disposal together. 3 usu. derog. a lot or set (of similar things or persons) (a pack of lies; a pack of thieves). 4 Brit. a set of playing cards. 5 a a group of hounds esp. for foxhunting. b a group of wild animals, esp. wolves, hunting together. 6 an organized group of Cub Scouts or Brownies. 7 Rugby Football a team's forwards. 8 a a medicinal or cosmetic substance applied to the skin; = face-pack. b a hot or cold pad of absorbent material for treating a wound etc. 9 = pack ice. 10 a quantity of fish, fruit, etc., packed in a season etc. 11 Med. a the wrapping of a body or part of a body in a wet sheet etc. b a sheet etc. used for this. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) a fill (a suitcase, bag, etc.) with clothes and other items. b put (things) together in a bag or suitcase, esp. for travelling. 2 intr. & tr. come or put closely together; crowd or cram (packed a lot into a few hours; passengers packed like sardines). 3 tr. (in passive; often foll. by with) be filled (with); contain extensively (the restaurant was packed; the book is packed with information). 4 tr. fill (a hall, theatre, etc.) with an audience etc. 5 tr. cover (a thing) with something pressed tightly round. 6 intr. be suitable for packing. 7 tr. colloq. a carry (a gun etc.). b be capable of delivering (a punch) with skill or force. 8 intr. (of animals or Rugby forwards) form a pack. Phrases and idioms pack-animal an animal for carrying packs. pack-drill a military punishment of marching up and down carrying full equipment. packed lunch a lunch carried in a bag, box, etc., esp. to work, school, etc. packed out colloq. full, crowded. pack ice an area of large crowded pieces of floating ice in the sea. pack it in (or up) colloq. end or stop it. pack off send (a person) away, esp. abruptly or promptly. pack-rat US a large hoarding rodent. pack-saddle a saddle adapted for supporting packs. pack up colloq. 1 (esp. of a machine) stop...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, of Low German or Dutch origin; akin to Middle Low German & Middle Dutch pak ~  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying especially on the back  b. a group or pile of related objects  c.  (1) a number of individual components ~aged as a unit a ~ of gum  (2) container  (3) a compact unitized assembly to perform a specific function  (4) a stack of magnetic disks in a container for use as a storage device  2.  a. the contents of a bundle  b. a large amount or number ; heap a ~ of lies  c. a full set of playing cards  3.  a. an act or instance of ~ing  b. a method of ~ing  4.  a. a set of persons with a common interest ; clique  b. an organized unit (as of Cub Scouts)  5.  a.  (1) a group of domesticated animals trained to hunt or run together  (2) a group of often predatory animals of the same kind a wolf ~  (3) a large group of individuals massed together (as in a race)  b. wolf ~  6. a concentrated or compacted mass (as of snow or ice)  7. wet absorbent material for therapeutic application to the body  8.  a. a cosmetic paste for the face  b. an application or treatment of oils or creams for conditioning the scalp and hair  9. material used in ~ing  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make into a compact bundle  b. to fill completely fans ~ed the stadium  c. to fill with ~ing ~ a joint in a pipe  d. to load with a ~ ~ a mule  e. to put in a protective container goods ~ed for shipment  2.  a. to crowd together  b. to increase the density of ; compress  3.  a. to cause or command to go without ceremony ~ed him off to school  b. to bring to an end ; give up — used with up or in might ~ up the assignment — used especially in the phrase ~ it in  4. to gather into tight formation ; make a ~ of (as hounds)  5. to cover or surround with a ~  6.  a. to transport on foot or on the back of an animal ~ a canoe overland  b. to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (packs, packing, packed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday. When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home... I packed and said goodbye to Charlie. VERB: V n, V • packing She left Frances to finish her packing. N-UNCOUNT 2. When people pack things, for example in a factory, they put them into containers or parcels so that they can be transported and sold. They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse... Machines now exist to pack olives in jars. ...sardines packed in oil. VERB: V n, V n in n, V-ed • packing His onions cost 9p a lb wholesale; packing and transport costs 10p. N-UNCOUNT 3. If people or things pack into a place or if they pack a place, there are so many of them that the place is full. Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque... Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium. = cram VERB: V into n, V n 4. A pack of things is a collection of them that is sold or given together in a box or bag. The club will send a free information pack. ...a pack of cigarettes... N-COUNT: oft N of n 5. A pack is a bag containing your possessions that you carry on your back when you are travelling. I hid the money in my pack. = rucksack, backpack N-COUNT 6. You can refer to a group of people who go around together as a pack, especially when it is a large group that you feel threatened by. ...a pack of journalists eager to question him... N-COUNT: usu N of n 7. A pack of wolves or dogs is a group of them that hunt together. N-COUNT: oft N of n 8. A pack of playing cards is a complete set of playing cards. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use deck) N-COUNT: oft N of n 9. see also packed, packing 10. If you say that an account is a pack of lies, you mean that it is completely untrue. You told me a pack of lies. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 11. If you send someone packing, you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »IN BOXES, CASES ETC« also pack up to put things into cases, boxes etc for taking somewhere or storing  (I forgot to pack my razor. | They packed up the contents of their house. | We're off to Greece tomorrow and I haven't even started packing yet. | pack sb sth)  (Have you packed the kids a lunch?) 2 pack a bag/case etc to put things into a bag, case etc  (She packed her suitcase and headed for the airport.)  (- opposite unpack (1)) 3 »CROWD OF PEOPLE« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to go in large numbers into a space that is not big enough, or to make a lot of people or things do this + into/in/onto  (When the door was opened people began to pack into the hall. | They packed as many people as possible onto the bus.) 4 »PROTECT STH« to cover, fill, or surround an object closely with a protective material  (Pack the newspaper around the china so that it doesn't break.) + in/with  (china cups packed with paper) 5 pack your bags informal to leave a place and not return, especially because of a disagreement  (Why don't you pack your bags and find another job?) 6 »SNOW/SOIL ETC« to press soil, sand etc into a firm mass  (pack soil firmly around the stem) 7 »MEAT ETC« to prepare food and put it into containers for preserving or selling 8 pack a committee/jury/meeting etc to secretly and dishonestly arrange for a committee etc to be filled with people who support you 9 pack a gun AmE to regularly carry a gun 10 pack a (hard) punch informal a) to be able to hit another person hard in a fight b) to be able to speak very effectively in an argument or discussion  (- see also send sb packing send (9)) pack sth away phr v to put something back in a box, case etc where it is usually kept  (We packed away the picnic things.) pack sb/sth in phr v 1 informal to attract people in large numbers  ("Pulp Fiction" is really packing them in.) 2 also pack sth into sth to fit a lot of something into a space, place, or period of time  (They packed so much into their holiday, they returned exhausted.) 3 informal...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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